Thursday, October 14, 2010

Speculation for the Day

One thing that's very different in the Catholic homeschool culture around here than the public school culture is that the majority of homeschool kids wouldn't even think to swear, especially in public. Sure, some homeschoolers do rebel and start swearing, but it doesn't happen too often.

An example of what would happen if I were to swear around the majority of my homeschool friends:
Friends: *gasp and look at Catherine in absolute shock and horror* "You said a BAD WORD!"

An example of what would happen if I were to swear at the public school around the other kids:
Kids: *no reaction whatsoever, not even a blink*

An example of what would happen if I were to swear around a homeschool mother:
Mother: *stares at Catherine in absolute shock and disgust, and immediately finds my parents and tells them what I just said*

An example of what would happen if I were to swear at the public school around a teacher:
Teacher: "We don't use that kind of language in class." (Or something like that.)

Yes, I am in a completely different culture at the high school, where I hear an abundance of vulgar language every day.

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