Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life, The Universe, and Everything

I've gotten bored of public school. During school days, I count down until 2:40, glad to get home at 3:00. I've gotten into the rut of counting down until Friday night. Now I'm counting down the days until graduation, when I won't have to get up at 6:10 every school morning and stay in the same building for most of the day. I feel so sorry for the kids who have been going to school since kindergarten. I can't imagine how much the seniors must be looking forward to graduation!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Latin: How It's Beneficial In Education

If anyone knows me, they know I'm a Latin enthusiast. What I've been noticing more and more throughout every public school class I've taken, is how useful it is to have a lingua latina background.